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BPW0331012240 BPW0331012240 Spacer, brake shaft BPW RING
Technical Information:
Material: Steel
Additional text: Items 112 and 113 have to be ordered additi
Dimension: Ø 42 / 46 / 55 x 7
Name: Ring
BPW0339733080 BPW0339733080 Spring, brake shoes BPW BRAKE SHOE SPRING HOOK
Technical Information:
Name: Return spring (hook)
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 19 / 3,6 x 36 (40)
Remark: Positioning spring
BPW0339733090 BPW0339733090 Spring, brake shoes BPW BRAKE RETURN SPRING EYE
Technical Information:
Name: Return spring (eye)
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 19 / 3,6 x 36 (40)
Remark: Positioning spring
BPW0339733120 BPW0339733120 Spring, brake shoes BPW BRAKE SHOE RETURN SPRING HOOK
Technical Information:
Name: Return spring (hook)
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 16,2 / 3,2 x 32 (36)
Remark: Positioning spring
BPW0339733130 BPW0339733130 Spring, brake shoes BPW BRAKE SHOE RETURN SPRING EYE
Technical Information:
Name: Return spring (eye)
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 16,2 / 3,2 x 32 (36)
Remark: Positioning spring
BPW0339744060 BPW0339744060 Spring, brake shoes BPW RETURN SPRING
Technical Information:
Name: Return spring
Additional text: In axles with brake SN 42..-2, when convers
ion to BPW ECO Drum (item 328) takes place, item 315 (03.167
.23.09.0, 4x) and item 364 (8x) must also be ordered.
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 21 / 4 x 105 (112)
BPW0539734170 BPW0539734170 Spring, brake shoes BPW BRAKE SHOE RETURN SPRING
Technical Information:
Surface treatment: galvanized
Name: Return spring
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 20 / 3,6 x 180 (197)
BPW0539746130 BPW0539746130 Spring, brake shoes BPW BRAKE SPRING
Technical Information:
Name: Return spring
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 24,5 / 4 x 236 (261)
BPW0539758030 BPW0539758030 Spring, brake shoes BPW BRAKE SHOE RETURN SPRING
Technical Information:
Name: Return spring
Additional text: ECO Drum
Material: Spring steel
Dimension: Ø 34,5 / 5,5 x 274 (301)
47 From 110